Today was a spectacular Saturday. Weather wise, it was supposed to thunderstorm all day but instead there was sunshine throughout the day and then perfect overcast just in time for this awesome engagement session. Kate and Johan are getting married this summer- and oh-what a beautiful bride and groom they will be! We decided to have their session at the St. Anthony Main area; surrounded by dozens of perfect locations for a variety of shots. Kate and Johan brought their pups for a few of the shots and while they were slightly uninterested in paying attention to my whistling and kiss-y noises, they were very well-behaved. They were even dolled up in a bow-tie and tu-tu.
Bella and Bambino:

Two hours flew by as we made our way throughout the ruins, pathways, Stone Arch Bridge, nearby buildings and graffitied walls down by the river.
These two met in high school and Johan sounded like he felt like the luckiest guy in the world when he added " We saw each other in the hallway... we didn't even have a class together!" Sometimes things really are meant to be. And even after seven years, these two are still so in love! I think Johan accented Kate just right; making her laugh when it was time to be goofy and made sure not to crack a smile when it was time for a serious look.
I cannot wait for their wedding this summer! Our styles seem to click just right throughout the entire session. Kate has a great eye and I loved that she loved the brick walls, and graffiti walls and the romantically quirky addition of the balloons. Even in their nicest attire, and heels, we made our way down some fairly steep stairs to get to the urban-coated walls by the river. And they definitely knew how to work it!

Here are the rest of my favorites from today!
Such an accomplished feeling I have been having lately. New website - check. Online galleries - check. Blog - check. New pricing structure - check. New pricing guides to go along with that pricing structure - check. To name a few things... I love the direction everything is headed for 2012.
I digress.
As I JUST sent in my order for my new pricing guides and business cards (and address labels and thank you notes) I figured now would be the best time to tackle this entry regarding your investment. Yes, investment. As most photographers who are starting out prices begin lower than industry average, sometimes much lower! For awhile now I have personally felt somewhere between low and too low but I knew I needed to build my client list and get my name out there before thinking about getting what I 'deserve' or at least come closer to it. Most of my friends and colleagues mouths drop or look at me with confusion when they saw my pricing especially after viewing my work. I personally feel that I have come so far from where I started a few years ago that a bit of a raise was due. You get what you pay for typically and I will admit, I have seen some price lists out there that I know that I could never pay for myself and seem a tad obscene so I do try to maintain reasonability but still give myself what I deserve, and therefore giving you what you deserve as my client. Professionalism, creativity, thoughtfulness, freshness, customizable options, accountability... all which develop this Investment that you are making.
I read something one time, which I just spent 20 minutes trying to find it again, but it was a photographer's blog and she had received a letter from her client essentially kicking herself and apologizing for not scheduling a portrait session because of cost. The letter went on about what the woman and her family did spend money on that week (dinner out, getting her nails done, new clothes, etc) and that it far exceeded what a session would have cost and yet she really got nothing out of those things. Whereas from a session, she would have had beautiful, meaningful portraits of her children and her family- forever. I thought it was an interesting outlook and made complete sense. I am 105% guilty of spending money on meaningless items but sometimes it is good to take a step back and think of the things you could get from the $20+ here and the $40+ dollars there and put it together for something truly great.
So, without giving you EVERYTHING included in the pricing pamphlet that I just designed and sent off to print (because I'd rather send that to you!) I will do a short layout:
Sessions typically range from one to three hours depending on what type starting at $60. All sessions are in your home or on-location or a mix of both depending on weather and time. I do offer the option to purchase the digital copies from your session (some session prices have it included) that you can print up to 5x7; all other sizes can be purchased, for a very reasonable price, from your online gallery (which is also included with all sessions).
Wedding packages are really where I felt between the low-to-too-low range but, I knew I needed to be there for just a little bit longer while word spread. Packages start at $800 which includes 5 hours of shooting, a mounted print, custom DVD case, Online proofing and purchasing and image disc to print up to 5x7's AND Engagement session. So, still lower than the industry standard but a step up for me and affordable for you. I have four packages total (again a quick layout as I have a lovely price guide that I can send you): $800, $1000, $1400 and $2400. You really can get the whole kit-n-kaboodle for a very fair price still. My favorite addition to my wedding packages is the exclusive (at least I have never heard of it before so I am calling it exclusive) Ever After session. But more on that later.
For now that is all I have as my alarm clock will be going off oh-too-soon. But please just contact me if you would like one of my newly designed pricing guides or more information! :)
- Hannah