Lots of love and support in today's wedding as well as lots of color! The bridesmaids wore a bold jade color satin dress while Jaci was beautiful all in white with just a touch of jade in her sash. The gentlemen looked sharp in all black tuxes with pops of jade in their ties and vests. To compliment the women's dresses their bouquets were multi-colored daisies which brought lots of pops of color everywhere you looked--how fun!
After pictures at Hidden Falls in St. Paul the wedding party and happy couple headed over to Fort Snelling Memorial Chapel to prepare for their ceremony. The rain was on and off all afternoon and luckily never got too heavy to cause too many hiccups. After the ceremony Jaci and Joe were escorted in a 1949 Plymouth, or as far as I know about it, an awesome old school car! This really made for some fun images of the happy couple and for an interesting ride around St. Paul!
The night continued with a delicious buffet-style dinner at DeGidio's in St. Paul. The banquet room was decorated with touches of jade to match the bridemaids' dresses, candles and sparkly black fabric adding some dimension to each centerpiece. After two very sweet speeches by the best man and maid of honor, Joe spoke ever-so-sweetly about his new wife and their new family. Although he mentioned it was just written this morning, Joe really spoke from the heart and sent chills through me when he mentioned how Jaci holds his life together and his some of his favorite moments are watching Spongebob on a Saturday night with his now step-children and waking up with everyone there with him. It was mentioned more than once tonight and I must agree, these two were meant for each other.
Jaci and Joe, I hope you got to dance the night away! Here are just a few highlights from your wonderful day!

What a fab-u-lous day we had. It appears as though I took the "dance like no one is watching" advice to heart. Thanks for the memories... Tons of love and heartfelt congratulations to Jaci, Joe, Alexis, and Matthew - what a wonderful family you have become. XXXOOO